CNS Customs Access Tariff

CNS Monthly Subscription Fee

Payable monthly in advance

Please note all CNS monthly subscription fees are payable monthly in advance.

In order to subscribe to the CNS Customs Access service, including access to our connectivity support team, you will need to pay a non-refundable set-up cost:

Contact our commercial team for a personalised pricing quote or book a detailed demonstration
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Commercial team

For the latest tariff information most suitable for your needs, please contact our commercial team:

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What’s included in each Band?

Included in every CNS Customs Access band is

  • • Access to the CNS Customs Access product. This means that you can submit import, export and supplementary declarations using declaration software from a provider of your choice.
  • • Band A for example offers 100 EU export frontier declarations. This means that you can submit up to export 100 declarations every month to clear your export goods, at no additional cost to you.
  • • A combination of EU import and export supplementary declarations, dependent on the amount shown in the “Included Import or Export Supplementary Declarations” column of the respective band.

Which tariff band is right for me?

To select which tariff is right for you, you’ll need to know if you’ll be submitting more than 100 import and/or export supplementary declarations per month:

  • • If you will not be submitting more than 100 import / export EU Frontier or supplementary declarations per month then the Band A is the right product for you.
  • • If you will be submitting more than 100 import / export EU Frontier or supplementary declarations per month then you will benefit from subscribing to B and D, dependent on the exact number of supplementary declarations you predict you will need to submit.

Please note any included messages must be used in the same calendar month and may not be carried over.

Standard payment terms

Invoices are payable by Direct Debit which will be collected 30 days after the invoice date.